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Saturday, July 20, 2019
By Danny Dong Photography
I have known Kai for 12 years since 2007 when I moved to San Francisco bay area. Kai was my first friend and buddy. At that time we hang out almost every weekend, But we lost contact for a while after Kai moved back to China in 2009. When I got the message from Kai and heard that he got engaged and will have an intimate wedding in Southern California. I am very happy for this old friend. It’s a special feeling to be a wedding guest (he requested me to make a toasting speech) and at the same time to be a photographer. I loved this intimate wedding at Temecula, the wine country in Southern California. Thank you for having me. Even’s dress is incredible. It’s designed by the famous Chinese/French fashion designer Laurence Xu.
这是我在湾区最好的兄弟田锴的婚礼!我带着复杂,激动,和祝福的心情,既担任宾客,又担任摄影师拍摄了这场婚礼!我和田锴2007年认识,就成为了形影不离的伙伴,2008年的情人节我和他一块在上海鼎盛渡过,点了糟熘鱼片!后来田锴回国创业了,其中有几年失联了,如今为他能找到自己的幸福而高兴,真心地祝福!也希望兄弟以后多回湾区看看,大伙儿都想你。Even这件婚纱太惊艳了,是著名留法华裔时装设计师Laurence Xu劳伦斯.许专门为她设计从北京空运过来的,Laurence曾经为参加戛纳电影节的范冰冰设计礼服《东方翔云》的龙袍礼服